Scholarly open access journals, Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, Impact factor 8.14 (Calculate by google scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool) , Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database & Metadata, Citation Generator, Digital Object Identifier(DOI)
Jane Austen was an English novelist. Social commentary and realism are the hallmarks of her novels. Austen has written a total of six novels. Her novels describe how women were dependent on men for social and financial security settings in the Victorian era. Marriage and economic aspects can be studied in her works. This paper studies her critically acclaimed works.
Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sense and Sensibility.
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"Love, Marriage, Gender Roles and Social Classes in the Select Works of Jane Austen", International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research (, ISSN:2455-2631, Vol.9, Issue 7, page no.432 - 433, July-2024, Available :
2456-3315 | IMPACT FACTOR: 8.14 Calculated By Google Scholar| ESTD YEAR: 2016
An International Scholarly Open Access Journal, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed Journal Impact Factor 8.14 Calculate by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Multilanguage Journal Indexing in All Major Database & Metadata, Citation Generator